Sustainable building benchmark developed in the United Kingdom and widely used on an international scale.

The BREEAM Method
This benchmark aims to reduce the impact of a building on its environment while improving the quality of life of occupants. Five levels of certification can be awarded: Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent or Exceptional.
The BREEAM method is classified into 9 categories of criteria.
Sustainable, recyclable, awarded BRE Environmental Profiles and A classified (or more frequently A+) with GreenBookLive, etc.: VMZINC systems offer many advantages which enable them to contribute to obtaining a BREEAM® certification for the building in which they are used.
Used for building envelope applications or, more rarely, as an interior solution, VMZINC solutions mainly contribute to 4 BREEAM® categories of criteria:
BREEAM® 2.0.2011
criteria VMZINC avantage Accessible point Materials BRE Environmental profiles available for VMZINC solutions 1 A+ classification (or, less frequently, A) of VMZINC solutions in the GreenBookLive 1 Certification ISO 14001 for all VMZINC solution production sites 1 Recycling Very little zinc scrap during installation, all scrap is 100 % recyclable (< 5 % -> <<< 1.9 tons/100 m2) 4 Energy Compatibility of VMZINC systems with the most effective insulation systems (performance, thickness) * Surface thermal bridges are minimized in VMZINC systems * VMZ Standing seam photovoltaic roofing systems 5 Health AFSSET COV/Formaldehyde protocol on the VMZ Opus interior solution 1 A+ classification COV/ Formaldehyde (Decree of 23 March 2011 on regulatory labelling) 1
BREEAM® 2.0.2011 criteria | VMZINC avantage | Accessible point |
Materials | BRE Environmental profiles available for VMZINC solutions | 1 |
A+ classification (or, less frequently, A) of VMZINC solutions in the GreenBookLive | 1 | |
Certification ISO 14001 for all VMZINC solution production sites | 1 | |
Recycling | Very little zinc scrap during installation, all scrap is 100 % recyclable (< 5 % -> <<< 1.9 tons/100 m2) | 4 |
Energy | Compatibility of VMZINC systems with the most effective insulation systems (performance, thickness) | * |
Surface thermal bridges are minimized in VMZINC systems | * | |
VMZ Standing seam photovoltaic roofing systems | 5 | |
Health | AFSSET COV/Formaldehyde protocol on the VMZ Opus interior solution | 1 |
A+ classification COV/ Formaldehyde (Decree of 23 March 2011 on regulatory labelling) | 1 |
* VMZINC solutions contribute to the thermal performance of the envelope but are not sufficient alone to obtain a number of points.
Examples of BREEAM buildings

Sir Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre - Harrogate District Hospital
Architect: IBI Nightingale - Tim WHITTAKER
Technique: VMZINC Standing seam and VMZINC Sine wave profile
Surface in zinc: 600 m2 on facade

Wyre Forest Crematorium (UK)
Architect: Howl Associates - Phil HOWL
Surface aspect: QUARTZ-ZINC
Technique: VMZINC Standing seam
Surface in zinc: 1,154 m2 on roofing

Dementia Intensive Care Unit
Architect: Cabinet Ingleton Wood LLP - Jon Boon
Surface aspect: QUARTZ-ZINC
Technique : VMZINC Flat lock panel
Surface in zinc: 100 m2 on facade

Shopping district Docks Bruxsel (Belgique)
Surface aspect : AZENGAR
Technique : Shingles
Surface : 6,650 m2 on the facade